10 things I'm loving this month (June 2022)

Each month I share links to 10 things I’ve really enjoyed over the past month.

These might be links to resources (e.g. podcast or YouTube video I’ve found helpful), design stuff or even just products I’ve purchased or found that I like.

Here’s what I’ve purchased, consumed or enjoyed over the past month :)


10 things I’m loving this month

1: Build a profitable online course

I’ve just relaunched my personal brand website. Well it’s a bit of a stretch to say it’s a relaunch. I put together a new website in an afternoon and then published it. :)

But my focus over on clareleroy.com is going to be on helping people build a business around online courses so they can:

  • work less

  • make more money

  • have more personal and financial freedom

  • reach their personal potential

Basically what I’ve done in my own life and business :)

I also have a waitlist for my upcoming course ‘Online Course Creator: Build and launch your profitable online course”.

Sign up for the waitlist here

2: The frameworks every entrepreneur should learn

This podcast is worth a listen - lots of great ideas and frameworks for entrepreneurs.

Listen to it here

3: How Alex Hormozi built an audience of 1.2 million in 6 months

This hour long presentation is 100% worth your time investment. I find Alex Hormozi has some great business advice and a lot of his core messages were summarised in this video. The video quality is low as it’s a repurpose of an Instagram live that he did so just put it on with your headphones and listen while you go for a walk, fold the washing or make the dinner.

Listen/Watch Here

4: S’Wich

This one is for Sydney people…but it’s a long weekend here in Sydney and we are going to head over the bridge to try this new sandwich/salad bar that I saw featured on social media this week.

It’s called S’Wich and I love the website branding, store branding and also the look of the food!

I’m a sucker for well designed food places and the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney do them so well - so it’s worth the 45 minute drive to give it a try. We used to live just near Bondi Beach so it’s fun to go back over and visit our old haunts there anyway.

5: SketchUp free Information Session

This month I remade my SketchUp Information session for 2022. The webinar is performing extremely well with lots of course sales since I made it.

If you’re interested in learning more about SketchUp then you may like to watch it.

Or if you’re interested in growing your own online courses business you may also like to watch it. I used to obsessively study other people’s funnels when I was first building my online business by signing up for their webinars and following their email sequences. Then I would put together my own versions of these funnels for my business. It’s a great way to learn from people who are a few steps ahead of you.

Sign up here if you’re interested in watching

6: Podcast with founder of Houzz

I’m honestly not a huge fan of Houzz. I was part of their paid program for a while and found it a pretty average experience with very poor quality leads being sent to me for quite a lot of money each month.

But despite my personal experience on the platform there’s no doubting that it’s a huge business so I was curious to hear about the story of the founder and how Houzz first got started.

Here she is interviewed on ‘How I Built This with Guy Raz’.

7: Short video on marketing by Russell Brunson

A short video from Russell Brunson (founder of Click Funnels) on how to attract customers and the 3 keys to marketing to the masses. Worth a watch.

Watch it here

8: Kindle Oasis

I’ve rekindled my love of my Kindle this month (see what I did there haha!).

I had got stuck in a bad habit of watching Netflix on my phone before sleeping and I was finding my sleep was suffering. So I’ve got back in my better sleep habit of reading a few chapters of a book on my kindle before I sleep instead.

I use the Kindle Oasis with the adjustable warm white light setting.

9: Book: The Minimalist Entrepreneur

Speaking of my Kindle, this is the book I’m reading at the moment. It’s written by the founder of Gumroad, so he knows what he’s talking about! He has a similar philosophy to business as I do so I am enjoying his insights.

A few quotes I’ve highlighted so far:

“You don’t learn, then start. You start, then learn.”

“Work in public. Teach everything you know. Create every day.”

“Start as soon as you can. Start before you feel ready. Start today”

10: New Tracksuit Pants :)

One of the things about running an online business is that I get to sit in my tracksuit all day every day if I want! My husband (who also works with me in my business) and I have a joke about putting on our ‘dressed up tracksuit’ when we go out to lunch sometimes :)

These trackies were released by P.E. Nation this week so I sent the link straight over to my sister as a hint for my birthday, which is coming up soon :)

Learn SketchUp with our fun online course for beginners…


If you want improve your work with design clients or you are about to start renovating or remodeling then you will love SketchUp.

With this software you can mock up an entire home in 2D (floor plans, joinery/millwork elevations, lighting and electrical plans and more) and 3D (renderings and perspective drawings) so you can picture exactly what it will look like when it is finished plus prepare your technical drawings for use with your clients, trades and contractors.

Learning SketchUp will save you time, money, mistakes and so much more! It is a well known piece of software in the interior design and architecture industries and will give you a solid technical drawing skill that will immediately upgrade the professionalism of the work you are doing.

I teach an online course for beginners that is focused specifically on using SketchUp for interior design purposes. We have had more than 10,000 students come through the course with so many fantastic projects designed and built!

We have all sorts of students in the course including designers and architects, cabinet makers, home renovators/remodelers, kitchen and bathroom designers, event planners, landscape designers and design enthusiasts.

To find out more about the courses we have on offer click the link below. And reach out if you have any questions I can help with :)

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy

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