The apps I use to manage my Instagram account

Today I'm sharing three apps that I've been using lately to manage my Instagram account.

If you're having issues with growing your Instagram account it's likely related to a couple of things:

  • you aren't being consistent with your posting

  • you aren't getting found

  • you aren't creating engaging content that people actually want to consume

These apps will help you with all of those problems.

The apps I use to manage my Instagram account

1: Later

This has been the biggest change to how I manage my Instagram account over the past year or so.

In this app, which has both desktop and mobile versions, I am able to plan my feed, schedule my posts, manage and respond to my comments, see who has been tagging me, create clickable links on my images and so much more.

I'm currently posting twice a day to Instagram and Later is the way that I am able to plan all that in advance and stay on top of it all.

Generally the way I do this is to plan out a week of posts over the weekend and have them all ready to go for the week. This means I don't even have to think about my Instagram account for the rest of the week - except to stay on top of answering comments and DMs, posting to my Instagram stories and engaging in other people's posts and content throughout the week.

If you aren’t being consistent with your Instagram posting then Later is what you need!

2: Hashtag Expert

This is a hashtag generating app that helps me create a custom set of hashtags based on the content of the post.

To use it I enter a couple of hashtags for the image I want to post - e.g. #SketchUp or #homerenovation and it will then generate my 30 tag set that is related to those hashtags. Before I started using this app I had 3 sets of hashtags saved in the notes section of my phone and I would use them in rotation on every single post.

But I know that it's better to be varying your hashtags each time you post as this helps you get discovered by new people who are searching different hashtags. So this app helps me do that quickly and easily.

Instagram's algorithm apparently isn't keen on repeated use of the same hashtag sets so having variation is a really good idea.

If you’re having issues with being discovered on Instagram than improving how you use hashtags will definitely help with that.

3: Canva

If you've been part of my community for a while then you will know about my LOVE of Canva.

I use Canva every single day, multiple times a day to create anything from my course workbooks and slide decks through to also my Instagram posts, cover images for my blog, birthday invites for my kids and heaps more. If you aren't already using Canva then you need to be - it's a game changer for creating professionally designed documents that you would previously have had to hire a graphic designer to put together for you. I use Canva to create all of the graphics and images for my Instagram posts.

If your main problem on Instagram is that your feed doesn’t look good or your community isn’t engaging with your posts then Canva will help you upgrade what you are doing and how your feed looks.

The main thing about Instagram though - no matter which apps you use to help you manage it - is to be consistent with your posting.

This will teach the algorithm that you are an account that can be trusted to show up for your audience and will therefore reward you by putting you in front of more people. Consistency with Instagram is what I'm working hard to achieve at the moment and these apps are what are really helping me do that - so give them a try!

If you aren't following me on Instagram yet - then please come and do so!

My business page: @thelittledesigncorner

My online business page: @onepersononlinebusiness

My personal page: @clareleroy

I also have a short course about how to improve Instagram and use it as a strategic business and marketing tool (rather than just as a place to share pretty pictures). Find out more about it here >>>

Courses and Templates for Designers and Architects



  • Improve your professionalism?

  • Find more clients?

  • Bring in more revenue?

  • Create better systems and processes?

Then check out my business courses and templates for designers and architects.

These courses and templates leave you with work done - not just a long list of things you need to do next. We have a really strong focus on taking action and getting things created that improve your business.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy

*Please note some of the links in this post are referral or affiliate links. I never recommend any product I don’t actually use and enjoy myself :)

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