The power of positive thinking: 5 daily reminders to change your mindset

Life has thrown me so many challenges - in fact I would find it hard to think of anyone in my inner circle who has faced as many personal challenges as I have.

As I write this blog post here are just some of the difficult things I’ve got going on in my life:

  • I’m having invasive brain surgery in 10 days (my second craniotomy in 6 months and my 5th brain procedure in about 15 months) - i.e. they are literally opening my skull and operating within my brain, scary stuff

  • I’ve just had an abnormal mammogram and have to go into hospital for 4 hours of additional testing to find out what is going on with that in a week (a few days before my brain surgery)

  • I have a 12 year old profoundly disabled son who is always up and down with health and needs

  • I am the primary carer for my 88 year old father who is towards the end of his life and has recently entered palliative care. He is now completely bed ridden and mildly demented. I visit him multiple times per week and talk with his doctors and nurses daily. It’s horrible watching a parent decline like that.

  • I have two other boys (14 and 10 years old) who have just started a new school year and have their own needs and things going on

  • I run a large business by myself and have 7000 paying students who look to me for support and encouragement

  • We are currently building a new house from scratch so there are hundreds of decisions that need to be made for that

  • I have a husband, household and all the other normal things going on in life as well :)

With all of this going on it would be really easy to get overwhelmed and lose sight of the great things I have going on in life and all the things I’m grateful for.

And for me having a positive mindset and focusing on gratitude makes all the difference to how I manage so much going on.

Most people I interact with wouldn’t have a clue I had this much happening as I show up in the world as a positive, friendly, happy and productive person.

And none of that is fake - on the whole that’s exactly who I am as a person.

I rarely sit around feeling sorry for myself and when life throws its next challenge at me I just take it on board and start thinking through how I can work my way through the challenge.

It's important to see and remind ourselves of the things we want to achieve and the way we want to show up in the world, especially if we are trying to change our habits or ways of thinking.

If you struggle to be positive or see the good things that are happening in your life then perhaps you need to work on your mindset.

Here are 5 daily reminders that may help you.


Setting and achieving your goals can bring a great sense of fulfilment, but it takes more than just a desire to succeed. It takes hard work, dedication, discipline, consistency and the willingness to persevere despite any obstacles or setbacks that may arise.

By pushing through these challenges, you can build your confidence and reach new heights of success in life.

Unfortunately, many people set goals for themselves but give up when things get difficult, boring or uncomfortable. I see this all the time - people making excuses for why they can’t reach the goals they want in life.

The way to overcome this (I think) is to have a deep, intrinsic drive to reach your goals. If you are working towards things because you think they are what you should be doing or they are things other people want you to be doing then you’ll never be able to stay on track or make them a reality. You have to REALLY want this for yourself.

Remember, it's your life and your goals.

Live for what you truly want, not for what you feel you should want (or what others want for you).

When you do that you’ll realise that you can do anything you set your mind to.


Gratitude is about choosing to focus on the positive aspects of your life, even amidst its challenges and difficulties.

By shifting your focus to what you have (rather than what you don't have) you are able to cultivate a more positive mindset and a greater sense of happiness. This in turn has been shown by research to have numerous benefits for our mental health, making it a powerful tool in promoting overall wellbeing.

Choosing to practice gratitude can be a simple yet powerful habit to incorporate into your daily routine.

Whether it's through keeping a gratitude journal, sharing things you're grateful for with friends and family or simply taking a moment each day to reflect on the things you're thankful for, making gratitude a part of your daily life can have a profound impact on your outlook and happiness.

In Carol Dweck's book “Mindset” she provides valuable insights and practical tools for developing a growth mindset and fostering gratitude in your life. This book is an great resource to help you cultivate gratitude and live a more fulfilling life.

Remember - gratitude is a choice!

Daily Reminder 3: TAKE MESSY ACTION

Taking control of your life and creating change requires a conscious effort and deliberate action. Without taking action your dreams and goals will remain just that – dreams.

Instead of letting the time slip away and not making progress towards your aspirations, it’s crucial to invest time and effort into the things that will help you reach your goals.

Procrastination, overthinking and “analysis paralysis” can be major roadblocks on your journey towards success. If you struggle to take action on your own, it may be beneficial to seek outside help to keep you accountable and focused.

There are professionals such as personal trainers, business coaches, dieticians and mentors available to provide guidance and support. I personally always pay for accountability when I feel I need it.

Remember, the way you think and act has a direct impact on what happens in your life. By setting your mind to a goal and taking consistent, deliberate action, you have the power to achieve anything you desire.

Stop overthinking and take messy action!


It's natural to be outcome driven, especially when working towards something significant, but remember that the end result is simply the accumulation of your daily actions and the effort you put in.

To make the most of your journey, focus on what you can control - your daily actions, habits and mindset.

An example for me is my business. I am obsessed with the ‘game’ of growing my business. What actually happens with it in terms of big goals or outcomes is far less important than enjoying the day to day process of how to grow it and work hard on it.

An example you might have is losing weight. Going to the gym for 5 hours one day and then not again for the rest of the month is never going to be as effective as getting up every morning and going consistently for half and hour, day after day.

Change is a slow and ongoing process and it's vital to trust that journey, even when it becomes challenging. Ups and downs are a natural part of growth and it's essential to embrace them and see them as opportunities for growth and self improvement.

Keep pushing forward and remind yourself that each step taken is bringing you closer to where you want to be.

Have confidence in yourself and trust the process!


It's crucial to be aware of your internal dialogue and the words you use when speaking to yourself.

This is something I’ve worked really hard on over the years as I used to have dreadful internal dialogue when I was a teenager and in my early twenties.

Our thoughts have the power to shape our beliefs, emotions and actions - and negative self talk can have a profound impact on our self esteem and overall wellbeing. On the other hand focusing on the positive aspects of our lives can help boost our confidence, improve our mood and attract more positivity overall.

Although it’s a constant work in progress, I’m always making a conscious effort to replace negative self talk with more positive thoughts. If you also struggle with this then I would encourage you to do the same.

One thing that helped me get started with this was to write out affirmations that resonated with me at the start of each day. I did this for many months (back some years ago now) and it really helped me focus on what I was grateful in my life.

Overall life can be overwhelming at times, but it's important to remember that we have the power to choose how we show up each day.

Despite the challenges and difficulties that come our way, it's essential to focus on what we have to be grateful for and to surround ourselves with positive, empowering thoughts (and people!).

Every day I try to take time to focus on what I have and what I’m grateful for and I find it makes a huge difference to my overall sense of happiness and wellbeing.

Thanks for reading and catch you in my next post!

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy

Courses and Templates for Designers and Architects



  • Improve your professionalism?

  • Find more clients?

  • Bring in more revenue?

  • Create better systems and processes?

Then check out my business courses and templates for designers and architects.

These courses and templates leave you with work done - not just a long list of things you need to do next. We have a really strong focus on taking action and getting things created that improve your business.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy