My Monthly Review - March 2023

I have been publicly sharing my monthly business reviews since January 2022 (scroll to the bottom of this post to see my others).

This is a reset process I go through on the first of every month to review the month that has just been and to plan for the month ahead.

I highly encourage all of my clients and students to do a similar process each month as it helps keep you accountable and see what is working and isn’t working in your business.

If you want a free checklist to use you can grab that here:

If you aren’t regularly tracking what is happening in your business then it’s very difficult to assess what’s working, what isn’t working, what progress you are making (or not making!) and how you can improve.

My review process normally takes me about 20 minutes to complete each month and when I look back on my previous entries I’m so grateful that I have a record of what has been happening so I can look back on how far I have come!

A quick note before we start…

I share this information publicly because I’m a completely open book and want to encourage and inspire other women and mothers about what is possible with their businesses.

When I was starting my ow business I used to follow a few business owners who did something similar to this and I found it hugely inspiring and helpful as it showed me what was possible in my own business.

However, I’m aware that some people find the sharing of business results and revenue numbers triggering, so if that’s you then I suggest you skip this post and jump in to some of my other free content instead :)

Here’s my review from March 2023.

Looking back - review last month


Revenue for March was $193,752



  • Paid advertising: $17,744

  • Virtual Assistant: $1,925

  • Software Subscriptions: $2,783


  • Total student enrolments: 11,007

  • Email/newsletter subscribers: 46,380

  • Instagram - TLDC: 87.7K

  • Instagram - CLR: 10.3K

  • YouTube - CLR: 10,276

  • TLDC Facebook Page Follows: 24,829

  • CLR Facebook Page Follows: 374

  • Facebook Group: 12.9K

  • Pinterest Follows: 11.01K

  • Pinterest monthly views: 851.85K

  • Twitter followers: 197

  • LinkedIn Follows: 679

  • TLDC Website visits: 34,000

  • Bounce Rate: 76.52%

  • CLR Website visits: 973

  • Bounce Rate: 69.72%

Top 3 Wins Last Month

  1. Planned out Q2 and Q3 🥳

  2. Feeling back on top of my fitness and not even 6 weeks post brain surgery yet 💪🏻

  3. Great revenue month 🤩

Notes from Last Month

What went well, what didn’t go well…

After my brain surgery on 21 February I gave myself permission to take most of March off to continue to recover from the surgery and just take it easy. And that’s pretty much what I’ve done, so I don’t have a huge amount to report in my review this month :)

But the downtime and lying around has been fantastic for really thinking through lots of things I don’t normally have time to think about - like my business model, how I can provide even better support to my students and how I can create content and products that help my community make progress (and actually take action on what they are learning!). So I’ve had lots of ideas for how to change a few things around in my business plus even more ideas for new content I want to create for the remainder of 2023.

These aren’t all new ideas - in fact a lot of it is improving what I’m already offering. I find it can be so tempting as an entrepreneurial person to have new ideas and want to be implementing new things all the time. But sometimes the best way to grow and improve a business is to really double down on improving what’s already working and make all of that even better than it already is. So that’s going to be a big part of my focus for the next few months.

So I’ve planned all that out during March and have mapped it all into my Notion dashboard so I’ve got a project map of the work ahead for Q2 and Q3.

I’ve made the plan and entered in the daily action items in my task list, so now all I need to do is to execute on the plan and take action every day, which I intend to get started with from this point forward.

Here’s a couple of other things that have happened in March:

  • I’m thrilled with revenue for this month - I have put a lot of effort into content creation (and batching a lot of content for while I’ve been recovering) and this is clearly paying off.

  • I’ve just passed 11,000 students in my paid courses - this feels like a huge milestone for my business. I can’t believe how many students I now have across my course offerings. 🤯

  • I’ve been sharing a lot more student success stories on my Instagram page over the past month (as I now have so many students sharing these with me, which I LOVE to see!). I think this has helped other people who might have been thinking about joining the courses decide to take the leap and go for it. Social proof always works! Plus I love featuring students who share their work with me as it’s a great way for their business to get some exposure as well.

  • I’ve been back at training for a number of weeks now and I’m feeling pretty amazing (considering how recent my surgery was). I’m back to lifting reasonably heavily (but also being careful) and I’ve also been running a bit as well to try and improve my cardio fitness.

  • I’m also in the middle of a bit of a health ‘self-experiment’ where I’ve bee tracking my meals, weight, training and other metrics super closely each day so I have data I can use to make progress and improve over time. I have never really tracked this closely before so I’m enjoying just taking a look at how the numbers change according to what I’m doing each day. I’m of course tracking that in Notion as well! 😅

Our home renovation is also moving along. The old house has been knocked down now and the land has been completely cleared. We are just in the final stages of approvals for our plans and then work can start. I am SOOOO excited about this house - it’s a bit of a pinch me moment that we are building our own house completely from scratch (and a lot of fun!). So I also spent some time in March designing the interiors for the house using SketchUp. I had been procrastinating on doing this for ages as I find it so much harder to design for myself than I do for clients - I’m much more indecisive and want to make it perfect! 🤣 But I’ve now made a start and have a pretty good idea about what I want to do with it now so I think it will move forward quite well from here.

You can see a few progress images of where I’m up to here if you’re interested (of course very likely to change about 100 times between now and when it’s built!!!!)

I’m creating all these drawings inside SketchUp (in case you haven’t heard me talk about that before) and one of the courses I run is a SketchUp course. The best place to get started with SketchUp if you don’t know much about it is with my free info session. You can sign up for a session HERE if you’re interested.


So overall a successful month financially and for planning and thinking, but a slow one for me in terms of productivity or actual work progress. But I think that’s OK given I’ve just had major surgery 😃

But we are starting Q2 now and I’m ready to get stuck back into things with lots of enthusiasm!

Looking forward - plan this month

Focus this month:

Implement the plan I’ve made and stick to the daily tasks I’ve set myself

Projects this month:

A bit secret to share publicly this month - but all will start to be revealed soon! :)

Goals this month:

  • $150K in revenue

  • Execute my plan! :)

What would make this month amazing?

Get some of the new ideas I’ve had out into the world :) Plus continue to improve my fitness and feel even better after my surgery.

If you would like to follow my business journey you can read my other monthly reviews via the links at the bottom of this page.

And if you would like to download my free Notion template to conduct your own monthly business review you can do that here:

Courses and Templates for Designers and Architects



  • Improve your professionalism?

  • Find more clients?

  • Bring in more revenue?

  • Create better systems and processes?

Then check out my business courses and templates for designers and architects.

These courses and templates leave you with work done - not just a long list of things you need to do next. We have a really strong focus on taking action and getting things created that improve your business.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy

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