How to post on Instagram every day in 2023

You will never post consistent content if you only post when you feel like it.

You need to be disciplined and have a solid content creation system in place.

Here's my system if you want to copy it:

1 - Consume

To create good content you need to be consuming interesting ideas. I like to think of this as my 'information diet'.

I am always listening to podcasts, watching YouTube videos, reading books and following interesting people on Instagram/Twitter.

2 - Capture

I also consume actively, which means that as ideas or points pique my interest I take note of them. I have a quick capture database in  Notion  to help me with this.

Each week I process the notes from my quick capture database and move them over to my content calendar as potential ideas.

3 - Curate

Every few months I sit down for a few hours and go through my ideas and plan out my content for a few months in advance. I map these into my  content creation calendar  so each day I know what I'm meant to be posting about.

I can always move stuff around on the day if I want to talk about something else, but this way I never start with a blank slate when it comes to content creation and I've always done some thinking and planning in advance.

By doing this I've currently got all my Instagram and LinkedIn posts planned until 1 September 2023!!!

4 - Copy

I use the Apple notes app to write my captions and headlines/hooks for my content. This works well as the formatting copies well over to Instagram (or wherever I'm posting).

Note: I don't write my captions in Notion as the formatting tends to break when it is copied over, which is VERY annoying.

5 - Create

Once I know what I'm writing about and the caption is created I will design the post itself inside Canva. I have heaps of templates ready to use so I pick one, duplicate it and get creating. This doesn't normally take me longer than 5-10 mins.

 You can watch my video about some of the ways I use Canva in my business here if you're interested.  

Once the caption and content itself is ready I will post it (or save it all inside Notion to post when it is due).

I tend to also keep all images and creative related to each post inside a Dropbox folder and capture that Dropbox link in Notion as well. This is a new step in my system that I'm using to make reposting easier down the track.

Once the post is published I update all the info inside my Notion entry, change the status to published and if I think the post is going to perform well I will also create a duplicate of the post to appear in my calendar 9-12 months later (again, part of my new system to make repurposing content easier down the track).


And that's how I post every day to social media without killing myself!

If you want more detail on this I can make a video walking you through each step - just let me know if that would be helpful.

PS - I hope you are impressed that I managed to make each of those steps start with C 🤣

Thanks for reading - catch you in my next post :)

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy - Director

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