How to stay safe at an initial design consultation

When you meet a new design client you are meeting a stranger in their home.

Although it's extremely unlikely you will be in danger, make sure you take some precautions to ensure your personal safety.

Here’s some ideas:

Take pre-payment for the design consultation (here’s why).

Google the clients, the home and the surroundings before you go.

Check the clients’ LinkedIn profiles (i.e. are they employed, where is their money coming from, do they own a legit business).

Hold your phone as you arrive. If you feel uneasy about anything once the client opens the door then pretend to take a phone call and leave.

Never go inside if you feel uncertain in any way.

Make sure someone knows where you are going and when you expect to be finished (use phone tracking for this).

Scan for an exit plan as you arrive and make sure to park your car so you can't be parked in.

Don't accept any food or drinks. If offered, politely decline.

Meet with them during business/daylight hours.

Take a photo of the front of the property and their car/license plate. Send this to same family member and friend that is tracking you before entering.

Take a junior designer or assistant with you if you can.

Overall trust your instincts. If something feels weird or 'off' don't worry about looking silly and get out of there as fast as possible.

Thanks for reading and catch you in my next post :)

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy

PS: If you enjoyed this then don’t forget to follow me @thelittledesigncorner for my daily tips on growing a profitable design or architecture business.

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