Tips for avoiding burnout

Studies have shown that when we reach levels of chronic stress and burnout our amygdala (the small part of our brain that controls our emotions) becomes enlarged. This can lead us to being moody and snappy with people around us. Chronic stress has also shown to atrophy (i.e. ages faster than it should!) our prefrontal cortex - which impacts our attention, emotions, dopamine levels, cognitive abilities and quite a bit more as well.

So this all means that chronic stress is bad. It's so bad in fact that burnout has recently been classified by the WHO an occupational safety hazard.

Tips for avoiding burnout

So let's try and avoid chronic stress and burnout by implementing a model for taking breaks to recharge. And a few weeks ago I learned about the 3M model via a video I watched on Headspace (the app I use for daily meditation). This model outlines three types of breaks that we need to be taking each day, week and month to give ourselves a chance to completely switch off from work and take time out.

Here's a description of each level:

Level 1: Macro breaks

The recommendation here is to take one full day a month where you completely switch off from all work and mental distractions. Use this time to take a bush walk/hike, go out in nature for the day or try something new.

Level 2: Meso breaks

For this type of break block in a few hours every single week where you take time for yourself to do something completely unrelated to work. This could be working on a hobby, taking some exercise or going for a picnic with your family.

Level 3: Micro breaks

Finally, each day make time to take micro breaks throughout the day. A few minutes blocked in regularly throughout the day to completely remove yourself from work. In your micro breaks you could; stretch, go for a short walk, meditate or just get outside for a few minutes. Don't use this time to scroll on your phone or check an email - make sure it's a genuine technology brain break.

So there's nothing massively revolutionary here but if you're anything like me you probably need to more actively plan in the intentional breaks each day. For the micro breaks I have set an alarm on my phone that recurs each day and reminds me to get up and take a break regularly throughout the day. I know that sometimes I can find myself just sitting for hours working on a task and realise I haven't moved from my desk at all - so I hope this will help me be a bit more intentional about taking proper "brain breaks" (as my kids' school calls them).

I hope these ideas were helpful for you in some way!

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Enjoy the rest of your day!

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy