5 ways to get more done each day

We all have the same 24 hours each day.

Lots of people ask me how I achieve so much in my days (and actually I don’t work as many hours as you might think quite honestly!).

So in this post I am sharing some practical tips about how to get more done each day - without having to work yourself in to the ground.


If you have goals you want to achieve in your life but you are complaining that you have no time to do them - then I want you to seriously audit your life. ⁠

  • What do you do at nights? ⁠

  • What do you do in the early morning hours?⁠

  • What do you do on weekends? ⁠

If you are sitting watching Netflix instead of working on your goals then you need to think carefully about whether or not those goals are things you really do actually want.

If you are happy watching Netflix instead of working towards them then that's completely fine - but if that's the case then you need to stop complaining about not having time! ⁠

Think about how you are spending yours and whether it's aligned with where you want to end up. ⁠

Here are some practical tips for how to get more done each day…

1: Audit your goals

  • Productivity comes from having clear goals.

  • Goals are driven by your purpose - your 'why'.

  • When you are clear about your 'why' - the thing that brings you happiness and is your purpose for being - then your goals will become clear and you will have an endless supply of energy to be productive.

  • You MUST find your why or you won't be productive (or happy!).

2: Audit your week

  • Don't complain that you don't have time to do more with your life if you are spending 2 hours each night watching the latest Netflix series.

  • Don't complain that you never lose weight if you never make exercise a priority in your week and don’t have specific times mapped in to your diary for your exercise sessions.

  • Don’t complain that you have no clients or money coming in if you don’t have any time blocked out each day for proactive lead generation.

  • Do an audit of your week - do your current actions, tasks and projects reflect your goals or the person that you want to become?

  • If you need help with this then you will find this training helpful.

3: Avoid task switching

  • Try and block your week so you do similar types of work at similar times. This avoids task switching constantly (which can reduce your productivity).

  • I have focused days for focused pieces of work each week. Here’s an example:

    • Monday - Paid content creation (e.g. creating/updating my online courses)

    • Tuesday - Free content creation (e.g. lead magnets, blog posts etc.)

    • Wednesday - social media scheduling

    • Thursday - Filming day (e.g. Facebook videos, YouTube videos)

    • Friday - Professional Development (and the afternoon off!)

    • Weekend mornings - Catchup on weekly tasks that didn't get finished

4: Work in 'sprints'

  • Break your day in to small 'working sprints' of between 30-50mins

  • Choose a single task to work on for that time period and then;

    • set a timer

    • remove all distractions

    • work solidly on that single task until the timer goes off

  • During your break go outside in the sunshine, take a 5 minute walk down the road, move your body in some way

  • Then do it all again with your next defined task.

I use an analogue clock for my working sprints, which I got from a special needs store (as these sorts of clocks are often used for kids with special needs or attention issues). This clock is so much better than using my phone as I can leave my phone in another room so I don’t get distracted by it during my focused work periods.

Here’s what it looks like:


5: Know yourself

  • Know when you do your best work and do your hardest projects and tasks during that period. Don’t just get up early because that’s what others do (especially if you do your best work at night, like my husband does).

  • Here’s what works for me - but that doesn’t mean it’s right for you:

    • I am up at 4am every morning because that way I can get a few hours of work done before my kids are up and when my brain is working at it’s best. I also love the early hours of the morning. I am often finished my work by around 11am - so I’m not necessarily working more hours than you, but I am making use of the hours that I am the most productive and when my brain is switched on.

  • I am driven by my purpose to help people live happy lives and build successful businesses - that’s what drives me to get out of bed each day.

  • This purpose and 'why' means I'm excited to get up each morning and to work hard to achieve my goals. You need to find what that is for you.

  • Become the sort of person who commits to what you say you are going to do and then actual follows through on it.

Getting the most out of your life really all comes back to having a strong purpose and reason why you’re doing what you’re doing.

Without that you’re going to find it hard to want to put in the high level of work, discipline and grind that it’s going to take to build something meaningful.

If you don’t really like what you’re doing then you need to be honest with yourself and make some changes - you only live once on this earth so make the most of it and don’t spend your time doing things that make you miserable.

You are completely in control of what’s possible for your life!

Take ownership over that and do something about it :)

Courses and Templates for Designers and Architects



  • Improve your professionalism?

  • Find more clients?

  • Bring in more revenue?

  • Create better systems and processes?

Then check out my business courses and templates for designers and architects.

These courses and templates leave you with work done - not just a long list of things you need to do next. We have a really strong focus on taking action and getting things created that improve your business.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy

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