How to fix professional procrastination

Procrastination is something that we all face at different times in our lives and even those of us who are super productive have periods of procrastination where we don't get as much done as we might normally. Sometimes it can be hard to understand why this occurs, but there's normally many reasons at play including boredom, difficulty of the task, frustration, a lack of motivation, or many other reasons as well.

Procrastination is an illogical and often irrational behaviour and it can be very frustrating to deal with - especially if it drags on for extended periods of time. But I know it's something that many of you do struggle with - and sometimes I also struggle with it as well! So I thought it might help if I shared some ideas for how you might be able to get over your feelings of procrastination and finally get on top of those tasks you've been wanting to get done. I think this is more advice for me than it is for you guys haha! :)

The Little Design Corner - How to fix  professional procrastination

1. Pick one thing

Procrastination can often be caused by a lack of focus. You may have a to-do list of far too many things and you just don't know where to start with any of them, so you put all of them off! So to help with this pick just one thing to get started with and work only on that task until you tick it off your list. Ideally choose the task that is going to have the most upside for you once it gets done - whether that's professionally, financially or personally.

2. Make the first move

The simple act of actually making the first move with your task is going to help you gain some kind of momentum with it. Stick with it for 10 minutes before you do anything else. In most cases you'll find that those 10 minutes are enough to get some traction with what you are doing and that will help you move forward with the task for a longer period of time.

3. Stop the guilt

For me, procrastination is definitely combined with feelings of guilt. I feel guilty that I'm not working on the tasks I have set myself. I feel guilty for why I'm lacking discipline and then I just start feeling guilty for the procrastination itself!!! :) One of the things that researchers say about procrastination is simply to let go of the guilt you are feeling about your procrastination as this guilt spiral is actually one of the things that keeps you in your state of procrastination.

Once you've stopped the spiral of guilt and forgiven yourself for not doing what you are meant to be doing, the simple next step is to recognise that you won't always feel like doing the tasks you set yourself. So don't wait for the day when you think you'll be ready to start as that day is unlikely to come, especially for a task that is challenging, boring or complicated.

Instead take the advice above and simple get started on the first small action. Break your large task down in to small steps that you know you can accomplish if you just work at them bit by bit. The simple act of taking those first few steps will help you feel more accomplished and will give you the incentive and motivation you then need to continue.

I'm obviously not a professional in any of this - but I do enjoy reading about topics to solve problems that I have and these are some of the tips and ideas that I've come across. So I hope they help you!

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Enjoy the rest of your day!

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy

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