Overcoming fear and imposter syndrome

"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed" - Teddy Roosevelt

The fear of failure is one of the things that stops so many people from moving forward with their big ideas and dreams.

They worry they will look stupid if they put themselves out into the world and share what excites them.

They feel like a fraud and think "who am I to go in to someone's house and tell them how to fix it"

And if those thoughts - or others like them - go through your mind on a regular basis then I want you to challenge yourself to move past this and start to take action on your dreams.

Stop thinking and start doing.

When you get in to motion, you gain momentum and this momentum will move your further and further away from fear and closer and closer to your goals.


Tips for overcoming fear and imposter syndrome

In order to move past fear you are going to need to build self confidence, which isn't a skill that is innate in all of us. Some of us have to learn how to be more confident and to push past our fears. Myself included! :)

Here are a few practical tools I’ve used over the years to build my own confidence and to get in momentum in my life and business:

  • Become a life long learner - always be inquisitive and be proactive in learning about things you will need to succeed. If you have gaps in your knowledge that are making you feel less confident then find courses or books that can help you upskill in these areas.

  • Use your time wisely and multitask - e.g. listen to podcasts when you're folding washing, watch YouTube videos when you're cooking dinner, read in bed instead of scrolling social media

  • Attend trade shows and conferences to stay up to date on current products and ideas and meet like minded people

  • Watch free webinars and trainings on topics that you feel are weaknesses for you

  • Use visualisation - picture yourself living your dream life and building your successful business. This sounds very woo woo - but it is actually extremely powerful!

  • Get rid of destructive habits and start to build productive habits that make you feel better about yourself (some for me include daily exercise, giving up alcohol and waking up early to get productive work done each morning)

  • Be yourself and don't pretend - it's OK to say you aren't sure if someone asks you something that you don't know the answer to. It’s also better to be yourself (e.g. on social media) rather than try and copy what you see others doing.

  • Use positive and confident body language and communication style - does it mimic the characteristics of people who you admire as confident? Make sure you smile, show enthusiasm and bring energy to what you’re doing.

  • Look back on the progress you’ve already made and the things you’ve already achieved that you can be proud of.


Also - the more action you take the more confidence you will build!

Courses and Templates for Designers and Architects



  • Improve your professionalism?

  • Find more clients?

  • Bring in more revenue?

  • Create better systems and processes?

Then check out my business courses and templates for designers and architects.

These courses and templates leave you with work done - not just a long list of things you need to do next. We have a really strong focus on taking action and getting things created that improve your business.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy

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