Posts in Pricing
Should interior designers pass on their trade discounts?

Today I’m sharing some thoughts on whether or not interior designers should pass on trade discounts to their clients. This is always a controversial “hot” topic amongst designers and it can be confusing to know what to do, especially if you are new to the industry. So what I want to do in this article is to present the different options when it comes to trade discounts and help you understand the pros and cons of each option.

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Why you should charge for initial design consultations

I often talk about how I strongly believe in charging for your initial design consultations and I get lots questions about why this is the case and the logistics around how I suggest this is done (e.g. should you get payment before the consultation? should you ever do any free consultations? - all sorts of questions).

So today I’m going to share as much as I can about why I so strongly believe in getting paid for your first meeting with a design client and how you should go about doing this.

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