Six reasons you should be creating more content

How much content do you produce for your community on a consistent basis that is actually helping them achieve their goals?⁠

Far too many designers use their Instagram accounts, blogs and other platforms (if they have them) to just talk about themselves...⁠

❌ This is what I'm doing⁠

❌ This is the amazing project I just did⁠

❌ These are the pictures I like⁠

❌ This is a quote from my client⁠

❌ This is my dog⁠

❌ This is what I had for lunch⁠

A bit of tough love here - but nobody cares about any of that!⁠

Why? ⁠

Because they aren’t interested in you. They are interested in themselves.

What your community really want from you is...⁠

✅ help with their problems⁠

✅ expert tips and tricks

✅ to be inspired⁠

✅ to be educated⁠

✅ to feel connected⁠

✅ to know how they can go deeper with you if they want to⁠

So think about the content you are creating and before you post anything ask yourself: ⁠

Am I thinking more about myself in this post or about helping my community? ⁠

Why you should be creating more content

Creating high quality content is one of the best marketing and lead generation strategies you can be doing and very few designers do it well.

Here are six reasons why it’s so important for your business:

1: Establish you as an expert

  • content marketing is one of the best ways to go from a nobody to being a trusted expert in your industry

  • the creation of regularly high quality content will help establish you as a thought leader

  • being a thought leader is what you should aim for as this positions you as the ‘go to’ person to reach out for more help

2: Add value to your community

  • being of service (first) to your community is the number one way I know to do business

  • give as much as you can for free without the expectation of anything in return and you will soon see that people flock to you and want to work with you in a paid capacity

  • too many people think if they give away their best tips and advice for free then nobody will want to pay them, but this just isn’t true. In fact if you only share your average tips or hold back your best stuff then this is what your community thinks you know - it doesn’t show you are actually a trusted expert

3: Build trust, respect and authority

  • to be successful in business you need to establish yourself as someone who knows what they are talking about and you can do this through your content

  • people are very savvy these days and have have lots of ways to research you before they make a purchasing decision. Helpful content across lots of platforms will show them you are someone who works hard and can be trusted - it builds your authority in the space

4: Help your community solve and take action on their problems

  • take time to really think about your avatar and your niche - what problems do they have and what solutions can you provide them to help solve these problems?

  • brainstorm topic ideas and use these as the basis of your content marketing plan (if you need more help with this then grab this template).

  • give people actionable tips and tricks that help them make quick wins

5: Build your brand

  • having content all over the internet is how you will build your brand

  • you aim should be to show up wherever your ideal clients are hanging out with information that solves problems they have

  • people may not be ready to work with you right now but on the day they do decide they need help you want to make sure you are top of mind

  • the way you do this is to always be creating more valuable information and content for them - that way you will be the first person they think of when they need help.

6: Help you sell your products and services

  • if you create high quality content for free then this makes people think about what it would be like to work with you in a paid capacity - “if this is her/his free stuff, what must the paid stuff be like?”

  • once you’ve established yourself as an industry expert when people do their research (which they will!) they will see you pop up all over the internet with valuable content, great reviews and will immediately see you as a trusted expert. This means you will make more sales! :)

  • also - if they aren’t ready to buy yet but you are creating daily content that is helpful then they will always come back to you for more.

  • Make such good content that it becomes a habit for people in your community to come and check your blog or Instagram page each day to see what’s new.

Investing in content creation (which is largely an investment of your time more than anything else) is one of the best ways to do business.

It’s also a skill that will help you improve professionally as well as you will:

  • improve your writing skills

  • improve your presentation skills

  • improve your persuasion skills

  • improve how you communicate your ideas

  • gain a deeper understanding of your community and niche

  • feel like you are making a valuable contribution to society by giving more than you are taking

But every piece of content you share should be helping and serving the community you are building. ⁠It shouldn’t be about how good you are.

And remember to end every piece of content with a strong Call to Action (CTA) as well.

Here's an example 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻⁠

Courses and Templates for Designers and Architects



  • Improve your professionalism?

  • Find more clients?

  • Bring in more revenue?

  • Create better systems and processes?

Then check out my business courses and templates for designers and architects.

These courses and templates leave you with work done - not just a long list of things you need to do next. We have a really strong focus on taking action and getting things created that improve your business.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy

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