Viral Instagram hook ideas for designers and creative business owners

The hook is the gateway to your content and will be what someone uses to decide whether or not to stop their scroll and pay attention.

It needs to be compelling and resonate with your target audience.

Instagram hook ideas for designers and creative business owners

Here are 27 ideas for high performing and engaging hooks for designers and creative business owners:

1: Top 3 reasons you should…

2: This hack changed my life…

3: Steal this strategy for…

4: This is your sign to start…

5: I hate to break it to you, but…

6: This is the biggest myth in [industry/niche]

7: If you love (X), you’ll be obsessed with this

8: Do NOT make this mistake…

9: The one thing experts won’t tell you about [niche]

10: 3 red flags when/about…

11: You don’t need permission to…

12: Here’s the one trick you need to know for [issue clients are struggling with]

13: Five questions to ask yourself if you struggle with…

14: What would happen if you just started…

15: From (X wanted result) to (Y result) in 5 steps

16: I told myself I would never…

17: Imagine this…

18: What if you…

19: I don’t know who needs to hear this but…

20: If you are (bad thing about ideal client), keep watching…

21: I heard this quote the other day…

22: There are some people who…

23: This is how I achieved (x result they want) without (y thing they complain about)…

24: Nobody is talking about this, but….

25: Get (result) in X steps (send to caption)

26: Watch until the end!

27: [NICHE/TOPIC] hack you didn’t know about…

Here’s how to use these hooks in your content:

Here are my 6 steps to create a reel in under 5 minutes using the hooks above.

1️⃣ Get in the habit of capturing “b-roll” footage as you go about running your business.

Clips of around 7-15 seconds are perfect.

✔️ site visits
✔️ supplier visits
✔️ time lapse of you drawing in CAD/SketchUp
✔️ “designer” spaces you visit (e.g. hotels or restaurants)

2️⃣ Keep a folder in your camera roll on your phone called “b-roll” and save all your clips to the folder

3️⃣ When you’re ready to post grab a clip from the “b-rolls” folder - this will become your post (like you can see in this post on my Instagram page).

4️⃣ Find trending audio on Instagram to set the clip to

5️⃣ Write a hook on the screen of the short clip (like I’ve done here)

6️⃣ Then in the caption write out the steps for how to do whatever your hook is about (also like I’m doing here!)

Examples for designers:
✔️ 6 of my favourite tile suppliers
✔️7 mistakes all rookie renovators make (before they hire me as their designer)
✔️ 5 ways to make your renovation look more expensive than it actually is
✔️ 10 “must haves” when renovating a family home

Write about a topic related to what you help clients with and share your best tips (e.g. family home renovations) or use the hooks above to brainstorm other ideas.

The caption should take you a few minutes to write and you’ve then got your content done for the day in under 5 minutes! 👊🏻

Thanks for reading and catch you in my next post :)

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy

PS: If you enjoyed this then don’t forget to follow me @thelittledesigncorner for my daily tips on growing a profitable design or architecture business.

Courses and Templates for Designers and Architects



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  • Bring in more revenue?

  • Create better systems and processes?

Then check out my business courses and templates for designers and architects.

These courses and templates leave you with work done - not just a long list of things you need to do next. We have a really strong focus on taking action and getting things created that improve your business.

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