How to Stop Feeling Like a Fraud: 3 steps to help you overcome imposter syndrome

Do you ever feel like a fraud in your own life?

Like you're just pretending to be confident and successful, but at any moment someone will discover you're not as capable as you appear? 🫣

If so, you're not alone.

I’ve been there before and many other successful people you likely admire have also been there too.

This feeling is called imposter syndrome and it affects so many people, including the most successful among us.

Take Oprah Winfrey for example.

The media mogul and philanthropist is widely considered one of the most influential people in the world. Yet, despite her countless achievements, Oprah has struggled with imposter syndrome throughout her career. She has often talked in interviews about how she still experiences moments of self-doubt and worries that she'll be exposed as a fraud - even now!

Oprah's story serves as a powerful example of how to overcome imposter syndrome and reach new heights in your personal and professional life.

And just like Oprah, we can all also overcome imposter syndrome and reach new levels of success and happiness.

At every stage of life and business you are going to lack confidence as you move to the next stage. The person who you are now isn't the same person you are going to need to be to get to the next level. You have to change and grow in order to reach new heights.

Because imposter syndrome is such a big problem for so many people in my community I’ve given it a lot of thought over the years.

And I’ve come to the realisation that there are three key things you need to be building if you want to conquer imposter syndrome and reach your potential.

Here’s what I think those three things are…

1: Courage 

Having the courage to take action is often the biggest challenge people face in reaching their goals and achieving their dreams. While it may be easier said than done, it's crucial to find the courage to get started if you want to make progress.

If you can get the courage to do the thing then you are already a few steps ahead of most people.

Everything seems scary until you start doing it and you aren't going to move forward with anything if you don't find the courage to give it a go.

Remember, the things we fear often seem worse in our minds than they actually are once we begin to take action. And, in most cases, there is very little in life that is irreversible - so what have you got to lose?

A great example of this is J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series.

Despite facing poverty and depression, as well as multiple rejections from publishers, Rowling refused to give up on her passion for writing. She persevered through her challenges and found the courage to keep working on her books. Eventually, her persistence and courage paid off when the first book in the Harry Potter series was finally published and became a worldwide phenomenon.

J.K. Rowling's journey to becoming a successful author is a testament to the power of persistence and determination.

Despite facing numerous rejections and setbacks, Rowling never lost faith in her dream and continued to work tirelessly to bring her vision to life. By embracing her courage and taking that first step towards success, she not only achieved her own goals but also inspired countless others to pursue their dreams with confidence and determination as well.

2: Consistency

After taking the courageous first step, it's important to maintain consistency in order to see results and make progress towards your goals.

Consistency means consistently taking daily action, even when it is repetitive, boring or you don't see immediate change.

Don't just quit because you aren't noticing any improvement - you will likely need to be consistent for months or years in order to start seeing the impact of your new actions.

A great example of this is Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.

Johnson, who is now a famous actor and former professional wrestler, is well known for his physical strength and impressive physique. However this didn’t come overnight. It took years of consistent training and dedication to transform his body and look the way he does today.

The Rock’s story shows that taking consistent action, even when the results are not immediately apparent, is the key to seeing progress and reaching your goals.

Taking consistent action is the key to seeing results.

It can be easy to give up when things aren't happening quickly enough or when the process seems monotonous. However, the only way to achieve success is by continuing to take action, even when it feels like nothing is happening.

3: Commitment

Finally, commitment is a crucial factor in achieving success and reaching your goals. It means fully dedicating yourself to a task and seeing it through, no matter the obstacles you may face along the way.

Bethany Hamilton is a prime example of commitment in action.

Hamilton was a talented and passionate surfer, but her life changed dramatically at the age of 13 when she lost her arm in a shark attack while surfing in Hawaii. The teenager was lying on her surfboard on her stomach when a 4.3-metre tiger shark attacked her, biting off her left arm just below the shoulder. Despite the physical and emotional trauma she faced, Hamilton was determined to get back on her board and continue surfing.

Over many years Hamilton worked tirelessly to regain her strength and improve her technique, even though many people around her thought it was impossible for her to become a professional surfer again. But her unwavering commitment to her goal fuelled her drive and she never let the injury hold her back.

Hamilton's persistence paid off and she eventually competed at the highest level of professional surfing.

Her story is a powerful example of what can be achieved with commitment and determination. Despite the odds against her, she never gave up, and her hard work and dedication eventually led to her success. She proves that when you are fully committed to something and give it your all, anything is possible.

So go all in on the one thing you're trying and then commit to it with everything you've got.

Nothing is going to happen with half-hearted effort or if you are constantly getting distracted by another shiny idea or project.

Become the type of person who sticks with something until you see the results you are after.

Who do you need to become?

And what happens when you've done all that?

Well, the model of growth is cyclical, meaning that although building confidence at a certain level can help in the present, it will not necessarily prepare you for the next level of growth. Confidence must be continuously developed and strengthened as you move towards new heights.

So that's where the model starts over again.

Once you've reached one level you will then need to find the courage to take action on what's required to get to the next level.

Life is always going to be scary, no matter how successful you become.

As my business grows I still get scared by certain things, even though to many of you I might look like a super confident person.

So I am always challenging myself to think about who I need to become in order to grow and reach higher levels.

  • What qualities does the person I want to become have?

  • How do they act?

  • What habits do they have?

  • How do they show up in the world?

I want to challenge you to think that way as well.

Please trust me that if you can find the courage to take that first step, then do that consistently and only focus on that until you master it then you WILL build the confidence you’re looking for.

Overcoming imposter syndrome always comes from taking action. So be courageous, take that very first step and then follow through with consistency and a determination to succeed.

Thanks for reading and catch you in my next post!

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy

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