Lead Magnet Ideas for Designers (+ FREE download)

A lead magnet is what you’ll use to grow your email list of potential clients and build your reputation as an expert in your industry.

In this post I explain what a lead magnet is, why you need one and what makes a good one. I also have a free PDF for you to download with lots of lead magnet ideas and topic prompts you can use :)


What is a lead magnet

Even if you’re not sure what a lead magnet is I'm sure you've downloaded plenty of them. These are things like ebooks, short videos, resources, checklists that you have given your email for in exchange for the tool or resource you are interested in.

A lead magnet is a marketing strategy that will help you grow your email list and build your reputation as an expert in your niche. But people will only download your lead magnet if it is something that solves a problem they are having or is something they are actually interested in - that's the key.

Creating bad lead magnets won’t really do much for your business - nobody will want them and nobody will download them. So don’t waste time creating something average - put time in to really thinking about what might be helpful for your ideal client.

A lead magnet is your chance to build authority with potential clients and give them something valuable that helps them make quick progress. This builds trust and helps a potential client start to get to know you. It's often the first interaction a potential client will have with you - so it has to be good!

Lead magnets come in all different forms and over time the best thing you can do is to build out a few different lead magnets in a few different formats (e.g. video, written) as people all learn and consume content in different ways. Having a variety of lead magnets will give people options for getting started with your work.

By the way - if you want to see all the different free lead magnets I have on offer for designers and architects you can find those here.

Tips for creating a high quality lead magnet (that people actually want to download!)

  • It has to look good - you are a designer and it needs to look like a designer created it!

  • It should be on brand - your colours and fonts. Looks like it is part of your business.

  • It is short and easy to consume. If you make it long it won't get read or watched and will just be overwhelming.

  • It is actionable - it gives your potential client something to do that helps them make progress in some way

  • It should be based around one idea or concept only - e.g. how to prepare for a meeting with a designer, how to work out your design style, lead magnet ideas for designers :)

Types of Lead Magnets and Topic Prompts

Want a list of ideas for the types of lead magnets you can create plus topic prompts for designers and architects? Then grab my free PDF below!

Courses and Templates for Designers and Architects



  • Improve your professionalism?

  • Find more clients?

  • Bring in more revenue?

  • Create better systems and processes?

Then check out my business courses and templates for designers and architects.

These courses and templates leave you with work done - not just a long list of things you need to do next. We have a really strong focus on taking action and getting things created that improve your business.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy

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